Drama and Jax |
Westwood Dental (missing: Lily, Melissa, Brooke) |
Sunday was my dad's birthday. There was a get together with our closest family members at Kum Koon for lunch. Again, family therapy is great therapy. I love my family to pieces, it was a great way to spend the day. It was an emotional time for me, both happy and sad. Grateful to celebrate my dad's 65th year of life and good health. Grateful for all the support I received from the extended family, as it was my first time seeing almost everyone since hearing of my diagnosis. Grateful that we were all together.
I have spent the last 5 days thinking about how crazy it is, how much people have pulled through for me and how willing the people who truly love me are to help me. Having friends from high school and friends from work who keep reminding me that they'll be around to see me and help me out in any way when I get out of the hospital. Sheila, my sister in law, who has listened to me cry over and over again over the past few weeks... and who so selflessly stayed up until 7am Sunday morning to do my laundry for me. Love, love, LOVE you, Sheila. And Jady, who drove me to my appointment today and held my hand while I was injected with radioactive material (for my sentinel node biopsy tomorrow, which will be done in surgery to see if my cancer had spread). And the lovely phone call from Nicole and Karen in Vancouver on Saturday night. Really, so much support from the people who care about me, and even from some who I least expected it. I can go on and on, I wish I could go on naming everyone but there has just been so much.
When I wake up, I will be getting ready to go to the hospital for my surgery. Thank you for all the thoughts, prayers and positive vibes. I'm scared, but trying to remember that this is it... they're physically removing the cancer from my body.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow I start my path to recovery.
Good luck Ate Nessa! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and have been thinking about you everyday. XOXO I hope you will feel better enough for when I am there next month. I really want to see you. Hugs & kisses, tonnes of love for you from BC <3